
The road to REGUPOL

For us, quite simply, the time had come – it was time to take our global identity to the next level and allow our company to shine in all its new splendour. We call our current rebranding process the “Road to REGUPOL”. Preparations for the initial steps on this path began at the “REGUPOL Brand Day” at the beginning of 2018, when the idea for the new brand was presented to all our employees. Today we can look back with some pride on how much we have been able to achieve since then. 

We will take the opportunity

Rebranding – it sounds radical, drastic, defining. But what lies behind this strategy is rather an opportunity: the opportunity to strengthen and refresh our company’s presence and its image. That doesn’t mean throwing all our long established and well-functioning strategies and concepts over board. We want to strengthen our level of brand recognition among our customers and focus on the very things that make us unique. We are ready to grow beyond our old identity and reach for new heights.

Our rebranding is teamwork

A rebranding process requires a high-level strategy, extensive research, meticulous planning, and the cooperation of the entire team. For this reason, we involved our all employees, including those from our subsidiaries abroad, right from the very beginning and asked them for their support and feedback. As part of this rebranding, we want to realign our focus, aiming it squarely at REGUPOL, at our international prominence and our excellent reputation, at cooperation and a common identity, in Bad Berleburg and across the entire world.

What will REGUPOL be like?

A rebranding process is expressed in the form of new logos, slogans, or even a completely revised corporate identity. And that’s what we’ve done. But what will REGUPOL be like in future? REGUPOL was, is and will increasingly be an international brand of quality – we want to strengthen this even more and make it more visible to the outside world. There have been lots of changes and lots of new additions. Our new logo gives you a taste of what’s in store over the next few months. Things we are currently working on include developing a new advertising campaign, new product documentation and our overall public image. This relaunch is something we will implement step by step. Our product areas - Load Securing, Sport, Acoustics and Structural Protection - will be gradually revised and updated. What we expect and demand of ourselves is to be a leader in quality and service. This aspiration is what leads to our brand promise: “We’ve got it covered” – that’s the general image we have of ourselves and that’s what we want to live up to. Our customers should always feel sure that, with us, they have chosen the right solution. Any performance or service we provide should be good from start to finish and we want to understand our customers and their needs better than ever.

What we've achieved so far

After our “REGUPOL Brand Day“, a few coordination procedures had to be carried out with our advertising agency and our colleagues in Bad Berleburg and around the globe. Once this had happened, we could finally get down to presenting our new logo, our new brand values, our newly developed brand identity and the new corporate design to our customers and other interested parties. A further step which has already been taken is the company’s name change. “BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH” has become “REGUPOL BSW GmbH”. The sections Corporate, Load Securing, Equestrian Flooring, Flooring for Climbing Halls and Sports Flooring for Multipurpose Halls have already been completely revised and are presented on the new website. All products will be given new names, new product photos are in the pipeline and a new social media strategy is being developed. And there are now even indications of change at our company premises, too – the REGUPOL sign on the roof. Our goal is to take our REGUPOL brand and the essence of its products and services and bring them to life!

But, there’s still a long way to go. Together we can continue looking ahead to the future with high expectations – together on the Road to REGUPOL.
